Sunday, February 14, 2010

Man or Beast - Who Do You Love?

Hopefully you’ve got someone to love, someone who loves you, or at least something you love doing on Valentine’s Day.

Not surprising, for a lot of people that someone in their lives is their pet. Some take this to extremes (like billionaire Leona Helmsley who in 2007 famously left her dog $12 million, and two of her grandchildren jack shit), while organizations like PETA and Friends of Animals have a long track record of over-the-top animal advocacy.

Fringe groups like those black masked fur fanatics that vandalized at least one kiosk selling Olympic collector's pins, and have generally been wreaking havoc at the Winter Games in Vancouver, is yet another high profile example.  Not sure these are the same cats that have threatened American figure skater Johnny Weir, but apparently he's elected not to wear his trademark white tuft of fox fur on his shoulder. THAT my friend, is the true travesty of these Olympics to date.

Speaking of transgendered atheletes... er, I mean... track records, the other day I was reading that Horse of the Year Rachel Alexandra is scheduled to race against the undefeated mare and Breeder's Cup Classic winner; Zenyatta in the April 9 Apple Blossom.  Now I don’t know Jack about horse racing, but racing affectionados (not horse lovers necessarily), are calling this the greatest thing to happen to thoroughbred racing in America since Affirmed captured the Triple Crown in 1978.  Stay tuned for that animal exploitive sports spectacle!

Still, for those of you who love horse racing simply for the love of the horse, find something for that special someone on this Valentine's Day...

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