Tuesday, April 3, 2012


NIKE revealed the new NFL uniforms today.  After a cursory look through the offerings, I was glad to see that most teams remained the same, noted that a few made minor modifications, and relieved that only the Seattle Seahawks bought into the marketing motivated transformation.  Maybe I'm just getting old, but It seems every year we manage to chip away at bits and pieces of the tradition, or the things that made the game great.  For me, the morphing of what used to be a basic jersey into some 80's glam rock roller derby outfit is a bit too much.

The other day I was hoping that the "leaked" photos on April 1'st was merely an April Fool's joke, but I guess not.  

One can only hope that the makeover ordered by Paul Allen (Microsoft) for his Seattle Seahawks doesn't ignite a larger trend.  For the love of the football Gods, somebody call in the fashion police, or revive Art Donovan long enough from whatever beer and baloney trance he might be in, for him to weigh in on this matter.

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