Saturday, October 27, 2012


You've got to love those "disaster survivor" shirts.  The "MY PARENTS WENT TO X-Y-Z DESTINATION, AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS LOUSY SHIRT" have been played out long ago, and these disaster themed shirts have seemingly filled the void.  Some of the ones commemorating Katrina were a bit too serious and somber, and nobody is really a fan of those. 

I saw this raghead on the streets of D.C. the other day wearing a throbe (Muslin name for 'robe' - my interpretation) with the words "I SURVIVED THE DEFENSE OF THE U.S. CONSULATE - BENGHAZI 2012" printed on the back. I was seconds from kicking him in his kiester when I came to the realization that this was just the dude's Halloween costume.  That said, I still didn't appreciate the sentiment, but kept my foot to myself.  

 I don't know, maybe it's just a sign of the times.  Maybe I'm just being too sensitive.  I imagine people from the Greatest Generation and generations before them, wouldn't have cared too much for an "I SURVIVED PEAL HARBOR", "I SURVIVED AUSCHWITZ" or an "I SURVIVED THE TITANIC" offering, even if somebody had the audacity to have sold them.  No, come to think of it, I guess there wouldn't have been too many people rocking an 'I SURVIVED HIROSHIMA" or an "I SURVIVED THE HINDENBUR DISASTER" shirt.  

In terms of natural disasters, the biggest East Coast storm on record was the 1938 New England hurricane known as the Long Island Express, which killed 800 people. As much as I tried, I could not find any record of shirts proclaiming, "I SURVIVED THE LONG ISLAND EXPRESS OF 1938".  It was also known as the "Yankee Clipper", but I still stuck out in my search for a shirt commemorating this beast of a storm.

Getting back on course...  What I'm really talking about are shirts for events like the East Coast earthquake of August 23, 2011.  You know, the earthquake that will live in infamy.  Those that survived remember it well.  It was the one that toppled plastic lawn chairs and knocked a few marble tiles off of the Washington Monument.  There were some pretty funny survival shirts, photos, and blogs that were generated as a result of that travesty. Those are the survival shirts that I'm talkin' about.  This year, this Halloween, we have a real opportunity for some more fun with this hybrid storm bearing down on the East Coast.  They're calling this super storm, "Part hurricane, part nor'easter - all trouble".  We shall see.   

So to all you t-shirt aficionados, take a look at the weather map and determine if you're destined to be impacted by Hurricane Sandy, a.k.a., Frankenstorm.  If you are, then treat yourself and order one of these fine shirts.  The trick is to do it before you loose power or before Halloween, whichever comes first.   

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