Friday, November 23, 2012


Forget about Superstorm Sandy, the Jets were pummeled by the New England Patriots 49-19 in the Thanksgiving Day Debacle of 2012.  The highlight reel from this instant classic features a perfect storm of turnovers and busted plays, the climax being a sequence where the PATS score 21 points in a mere 60 seconds.  The Jets appeared to be powerless to stop Tom Brady and the onslaught.  Talk about devastation...

If you haven't already, you can stick a fork in 'em, at 4-7 they're done.  The picked over remains of your turkey are in the refrigerator, and much like the aspirations of the New York Jets; cold, dead and in the dark. 

The fans are naturally upset, and naturally many are (and have been) calling  for coach Rex Ryan's head.  This was evident on the broadcast last night by the "X-REX" signs in the stands.  The faithful followers of the New York Jets can take solace in this fundamental truth: Players and coaches come and go, but New York Armchair Quarterbacks remain. You can show your solidarity by purchasing a New York Armchair Quarterback product.  There are tons of items to choose from. 

Look, with Tim Tebow on the team there is hope   Hope for the JETS is as it was in the beginning (1960), is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen 

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