Saturday, April 7, 2012


Natalie Gulbis and Ben Roethlisberger 
Ben Roethlisberger will be traveling to Scotland and Ireland this summer where he will play something on the order of 12 courses in 10 days.  I don't golf, but I've been to St. Andrews which is the one of several courses Big Ben will be playing.  Personally I'd prefer to go on a Ireland-Scottland bar crawl, but I'm just a regular joe.

“Golf is such a mental challenge, and as frustrating as it can be sometimes, it can definitely make you stronger,"

Not sure why this story from Yahoo Sports caught my attention.  I guess I'm wondering if Ben is going to the UK to recharge his batteries after getting Tebow'd, still grieving the retirement of Hines Ward, or fighting off urges to go slumming after the shine and glimmer of his marriage and honeymoon is over.  Could it be that he plans on playing golf courses the world over in order run into another Natalie Gulbis on the links?  There were some photos of Big Ben and Tiger Woods that I remember seeing when the Tiger Woods scandal broke.  Maybe there is some kinda connection there.  Who knows, just wishing him the best of luck. I'm sure he'll have a good time.  

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